Wednesday, April 27, 2011

babies + fashion

it's a conspiracy.  clearly this is a trend that seems doesn't seem to be going away any time soon.

for one, i can't pick up an international edition of vogue (french, russian, japanese, what-have-you) these days without finding a supplement devoted entirely to children.

geraldine saglio-styled editorials and stella mccartney kids lines aside, it's starting to feel like a hard-sell.  this whole baby thing.  crewcuts hasn't helped matters either.

and let's not discuss alexander wang's itty bitty niece.

i can't even go there.


  1. I love the baby style...if only my wallet can keep up with me and baby shopping...

  2. pk, all i have to say is zara baby. like the stuff for grown-ups, it is highly addictive. and lest not forget the calypso for target collection. go there NOW. you owe it to your baby.
